How to be more attractive
11 scientific ways to make yourself look and feel more attractive
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A simple shift in mindset can make you see yourself in a whole new light. Unsplash/Jonathan Chen |
Most people will admit that they don't feel 100% all the time. Even the most beautiful and successful people have vacations, but if you feel bad about yourself rather than feeling good, you may need to change your attitude.
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Despite the general thought, there may be little relation between your appearance and feeling more attractive and desirable.
We've consulted with scientific research and talked to relationship and dating experts to find simple lifestyle changes that you can make more appealing to yourself and others.
These tips can help you begin to see yourself in a more positive light.
Get your sweat on.
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Break a sweat and it could help lift your spirits. Thomson Reuters |
You may be afraid of exercise but it can play a big factor in helping you feel more attractive.
We're not just talking about the effects of exercise on your body physically - exercise is a great way to get out of your aggression, take some time for yourself and release endorphins, which can improve your mood. A 2015 study by Turkish University found that people who exercised had higher self-esteem.
"Exercise is a great way to look more attractive," April Massini, a relationship and etiquette expert, told Insider. "You're not just giving yourself the gift of fitness, you're releasing endorphins and maintaining a balance of work, play and self-care."
Give some compliments.
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Let those close to you know how great they are. Unsplash/Annette Sousa |
Getting some love from others may seem like the easiest way to improve your own image, but in reality you may want to practice giving some love first.
Talking about good qualities about others will help you to look more attractive in their eyes and will also help you to realize good things about yourself. Researchers at the University of Electronic Science and Technology in China suggested in a 2016 study that men who used metaphors to compliment women were more attractive.
Matchmaker Dennis Levy told Insider, "Learning how to properly appreciate can only be the key to a second date." "Making other people feel good about themselves increases your attraction. People try to get ready for a date so take the time to compliment the other person and make sense of it!"
Put a smile on.
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Don't underestimate a good smile. Flickr/Ben Seidelman |
It's no secret that a smile makes you feel warm and invites other people to help you see how they look at you. But it turns out you can get the same benefits if you look in the mirror and smile at yourself.
"As a social animal, we have programmed to scan the body language of others for attention and for safety and welcome," Shadin Francis Insider, a relationship therapist, educator, and author, told Insider. "Laughter is a universal signal for warmth, readiness and attractiveness."
"But it also works for yourself; if you look at yourself in the mirror and smile, you will get very similar neurological signals as if you were a familiar friend smiling at you," he said.
In 2009, researchers at Cardiff University in Wales studied how facial expressions can affect a person's mood and found evidence that suggests that those who smile more can actually be happier.
Give yourself a pep talk.
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It may feel silly, but it can work. lenetstan/Shutterstock |
It's always nice when someone close to you notices or points out a good quality, but you don't have to wait for that extra boost.
This may sound silly, but repeating positive affirmations to yourself in the mirror or saying things you like about yourself will help you to verify those features and value them in yourself.
"Intentional focus is an exercise in focus," Francis said. "What you focus on will expand your consciousness. Taking the time to actively look for positive qualities in yourself, whether external or internal, will help you to become more important. When you acknowledge these qualities. Take the time to do it, then you can feel them more fully. "
A 2014 study by the University of Illinois, published in the "European Journal of Social Psychology", suggested that those who talked to themselves had higher success and confidence in their jobs. Experiments have shown that when people talk to themselves - just the way they talk to a friend - it excites them. Studies have also shown that people use more power to say the word "you" when referring to themselves.
Don't self-sabotage.
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Identify what habits are getting in your way. Unsplash/dahiana candelo |
A study by the National Institutes of Health found that people who think negatively about themselves actually have a higher risk of self-doubt and may have a lower self-satisfaction rate.
If you find yourself making negative statements about yourself, why pay close attention to it? Such statements can make you feel bad about yourself and affect your self-image.
Psychologist Jody de Luca recommends that people identify the reasons for making these statements and, if possible, eliminate the cause.
"In particular, pay close attention to what triggers self-destructive statements," he told Insider. "Is this a specific environment? Person? Situation? Once you identify the triggers of negative self-talk, you have a better chance of catching yourself, turning negative self-statements into positives and even resisting them."
Assess your relationships with others.
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Cut out the toxic people in your life. REUTERS/David Mdzinarishvili |
The weight of a toxic person in your life can prevent you from feeling your best.
A 2015 study in The Journal of Ethics and Education surveyed people who had a relationship in their life that characterized "separation, change, false friendship and false friendship". Studies have shown that they often do not realize that others are dragging them and have seen toxic people through "rose-colored glasses" that can affect their mental health.
If there are people who constantly humiliate you, treat you rudely or have a bad effect on your self-esteem, try your best to eliminate those people from your life or spend less time with them.
More importantly, prioritize the people who spend their time supporting you and building you up. It can instantly boost your confidence, says De Luca.
Have a sense of humor.
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Don't be afraid to laugh it off. William Stitt/Unsplash |
Laughter and humor can make you feel more comfortable, so if you try a small thing and smile that usually goes under your skin, you can take some pressure off yourself, which can see you in a positive light.
"It's very important - some people take every aspect of their lives so seriously and it reflects their looks and their personality," Alex Riddle, an online dating expert, told Insider. "It's perfectly fine to be imperfect - no one has to be perfect all the time. It's important not to let others define you and let only you be."
Cracking a joke can help others see you as more interesting.
A 2015 study from the University of Kansas found that smiling together can increase the attraction between couples. In the study, 51 pairs of people who did not know each other spoke; Every time a man tried to be funny and every time a woman laughed at his jokes, he was probably romantically interested in her.
In addition, the more the couple laughs together, the greater their level of attraction.
Have sex.
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Not that you needed an excuse! Shutterstock |
Having sex is a great, fun and easy way to enhance your self-image.
According to a 2014 survey from the "Journal of Social Psychological and Personality Science", those who have had casual sexual intercourse with a supportive partner show an increase in confidence and self-image.
Also, according to research conducted by San Francisco State University, the pheromones you release during and after sex can automatically draw people to you, making you more attractive to them.
Fake it until you make it.
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Act like you are the most confident person in the room. Hernan Sanchez/Unsplash |
The easiest way to feel confident? Behave like you.
When you challenge yourself to feel good about yourself, it will show and others will notice.
"The way you enter a room or share a look is an indicator of your confidence in what is working for or against you," Levy said. "It's about your smile, body language and even eye contact. When you feel weird or awkward people can accept the discomfort that is equal to whether you are considered attractive."
Need some inspiration? A 2013 study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology found that just remembering a moment when you were confident can boost confidence levels.
Rock some red.
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This color can automatically make you feel hotter. Ditty_about_summer/Shutterstock |
A dress that makes you feel confident is a big step in creating how you look, but feeling better about your look can be just as easy as wearing a different color.
A study from the University of Rochester found that wearing red could automatically make women more attractive to men. In the study, they were more likely to ask a woman wearing a red shirt than a woman wearing a green shirt.
Jane Thoden, founder of the personal style site Your Color Style, told Insider that red "represents passion, energy and sensuality." He recommends taking Rocking Red more seriously and getting a rush of empowerment for yourself.
Stand up straight and tall.
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Improving your posture can change your thoughts. Shutterstock |
Good posture can make you look beautiful, but it can also make you feel good.
A study by the Association of Psychological Sciences found that sitting up straight can make you feel more confident and strong. They found that those who went on a "power pose" report increased testosterone levels, cortisol (a chemical found when you are scared) and increased feelings of power.
So, if you are looking for a mood boost and want to see yourself in a more positive light, it may be worthwhile to keep your chin up both physically and mentally.
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