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8 Natural Ways to Thicken Hair


There is no way to thicken thin hair overnight. However, with special care, you can gradually reduce hair loss. You can also change the hair style. Learn how to take care of your hair for thicker hair.

  1. Mix onion juice with lemon juice or coconut oil and rub it on the roots of the hair. After 15 minutes, wash your hair using sulfate-free shampoo.
  2. Take rice washing water in a spray bottle and spray it on your hair.
  3. Beat eggs and mix with aloe vera gel and apply on hair. After some time wash off with herbal shampoo.
  4. Massaging castor oil regularly on the roots of the hair will benefit.
  5. Soak fenugreek overnight and apply it on the hair the next day.
  6. Include foods containing protein, fatty acids and iron in the diet.
  7. Use comb and hair brush regularly. It will increase the blood circulation at the root of the hair.
  8. Massage olive oil on your hair at night before going to bed. Wash off with shampoo the next day.

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